I am trained/informed in the following parts work modalities:
Trauma Informed Stabilization Treatment
Inner Relationship Focusing
Internal Family Systems
Heartsync Ministries
While these modalities have differences in conceptualization, what they have in common is the idea that people often have various inner parts or aspects of themselves, each with its own feelings, needs, and perspectives.These parts can sometimes conflict with each other and contribute to emotional struggles or inner turmoil.
For example, you may have a very critical voice inside that tells you you are not good enough no matter how hard try, while another part of you knows you deserve to be loved unconditionally.Parts work helps to identify the root cause of that critical voice and why it continues to be a part of your internal dialogue.
Parts Work
"Parts work" typically refers to a therapeutic approach or technique used in various forms of psychotherapy, particularly in modalities like Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy.
I love parts work because it allows us to be with some of our feelings or thoughts that haven't felt safe to be with. My clients are often surprised to find out how there might have been really good reasons for the “unwanted” parts to be there. When we are able to bring our compassionate and curious presence to these parts of ourselves that are normally uncomfortable to be with, you may be surprised how many positive shifts can happen in ways you don’t anticipate.
Why I Love Parts Work
Key Aspects of Parts Work
The first step in parts work is identifying and acknowledging these different parts of oneself. These parts can be thought of as subpersonalities, and they might represent different roles or responses to various situations in life.
Once these parts are identified, the individual engages in a dialogue with them. This can involve internal conversations or external conversations with a therapist. The goal is to understand each part's perspective, needs, and concerns.
Integration and Harmony
The ultimate aim of parts work is to help these various parts come into greater harmony and integration. This means finding ways for these parts to coexist and work together in a more balanced and constructive manner. It can involve healing emotional wounds, resolving conflicts, and aligning with one's core values and goals.
Self-awareness and Self-compassion
Parts work often leads to increased self-awareness and self-compassion. By understanding and accepting the different aspects of oneself, individuals can develop a more compassionate and accepting relationship with themselves.
More information about Parts Work is available below:
Parts Work in Therapy
No Bad Parts: Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness with Internal Familiy Systems Model by Richard C. Schwartz PhD
Altogether You: Experiencing Personal and Spiritual Transformation with Internal Family Systems Therapy by Jenna Riemersma **
Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Internal Self-Alienation by Janina Fisher PhD
**Double asterisk are used to mark Christian faith-based resources.